If your German Shepherd Dog has hip dysplasia from genetics there is not much you can do except for your vets advice.
However, to prevent your German Shepherd from getting hip dysplasia that is not a genetic incident, follow these 5 top tips:
1. If your German Shepherd is a puppy remember this rule: “ALL FOUR PAWS ON THE GROUND!”, until they reach the age of 14 months old. Hip dysplasia can develop through jumping before the full development of their hips. Puppies are very active and love to pounce around everywhere and on everything. This is where training and puppy play pens come in handy. It allows you to control your puppies activities, keeping them safe until you can have your attention on them 100%. If your puppy is running around free to do what it wants and not supervised, how will you know if he injured himself? Keeping a close eye on your puppy is very important not only for their safety, but for their health.
2. Feed your German Shepherd Dog a good diet with higher amounts of calcium and protein. Do not feed your dog low grade dog food. A German Shepherd cannot develop strong bones by eating the same food a Chihuahua eats! Read your dog food labels. Ask your vet what the best food to feed your German Shepherd. We feed Pro Plan until they are 6 months old and them slowly switch them to Pulsar Salmon.Take your puppy off of puppy food at the age of 6 months old. Puppy food can make your puppy grow too fast and cause hip dysplasia as well.

3. Exercise your German Shepherd dog everyday. Maintaining their muscle mass and keeping them strong will prevent injuries to the bones. Injuries can cause osteoarthritis later down the line and turn into hip dysplasia. Be very careful of injuries. If your dog plays Frisbee or does sports that involves jumping, ask your vet for a joint supplement.
4. Make sure your German Shepherd has a nice firm bed to sleep on and not a cold floor or concrete. Their bodies need support just like ours do at rest. As well, make sure they are sleeping in a place that they can stretch out and be comfortable while they sleep. If they sleep in a crate, make sure it is big enough for them to stand up, turn around and have room to stretch their legs. Constant pressure on their legs will cause problems.
5. Make sure your breeder has proof of hip certifications of the parents that bred the puppy you plan on buying. It is very important to find a breeder that is responsible for the puppies they breed and ensure the health of their puppies. Also, choose a breeder that guarantees their puppies hips just in case their is an unknown flaw.
By following these 5 rules, your German Shepherd have a wonderful chance of never developing this terrible disease. It is important to care for your German Shepherd, have the finances to raise one properly and keep up on a well diet and exercise.