What is Schutzhund
The word “Seiger” means Champion in German.; it is a Schutzhund sport term used for qualified breeding German Shepherds. The point of Shutzhund is first and foremost to qualify a dog for breeding and prove the bloodline by trialing the dog in many areas. In Germany, a Sch title (1, 2, or 3) is required for both parents, or the dog is not an SV.The German Sieger trials, run by the original GSD club, and the USCA, the Schaferhundverein (SV). The Bundessieger is the SV German champion, and the Weltsieger is the SV world champion.
The end result is a dog unfazed by just about anything, with the closest possible relationship to his or her trainer. American breeders keep going back to Germany for breeding stock simply because German dogs are still generally the best in the world, and the Sieger trials are the reason.

Achievement in Schutzhund:
- BH: public comportment. Stability in the presence of other dogs doing strange things (skateboard, for instance). Good basic obedience. Like the AKC CD title.
- AD: Basically, run a half-marathon with two brief breaks, then do obedience at the end. Unless the trainer is an iron man competitor, he or she rides a bicycle. A GSD can trot effortlessly faster than almost any human being can run.
- A conformation. Is the dog biomechanically sound? Does it look like a GSD? This has a couple of levels.
- Schutzhund 1, 2, and 3 are progressively harder tests of obedience, ground-scent work, and the ability to take on an aggressive human “agitator” without losing control: place him under arrest following the orders of the handler, and protect the handler from attack.
This class is to prepare you dog for his first steps in Schutzhund training, personal protection and /or advanced obedience.
Your dog will be evaluated for flaws, the flaws will be corrected, and he will build a high drive and learn to walk off leash while strengthening his /her obedience. If your dog has issues such as barking, digging, aggression issues, biting and needs to be trained due to bad behavior, this class will handle these issues as well.
This class will review and fine tune your previous classes, advance your dog into further obedience and help you discover what purpose you have for your dog and what he is capable of.
16 Week Course | 6 months and up
$1800.00Reinforce Basic Commands:
Sit, Stay, Come, Down, Out, Retrieve
Long Stay
Building Proper Healing
BH Prep